Oct 1, 2010

Share your music online with SoundCloud

Do you have a song you want to publish online, or get some feedback on the current mix? Now you can easily share your tracks with energyXT and SoundCloud.

Once you have your tracks stored online on your Soundcloud account,  you can then share the URL's on facebook, twitter, email or even have an embedded player on your own website. 

Here's how to use the Share with SoundCloud feature:

1) Open the export dialog from the File menu (or press F5)

2) Set your preferred file format and click the Share button. First time you will be asked to download  the Soundcloud add-on. Click OK. 

3) Click connect to SoundCloud and loginRegister a free souncloud.com account if you dont have one already.

4) Enter the access code in energyXT

5) Enter song name and then click the Upload button

6) On success, the uploaded URL will be displayed. Copy the link to share your track on email, facebook or twitter.