In energyXT you can use samples for the drum sampler, in audio tracks and in the synthesizer. Supported file formats are wav, aif and mp3 (require lame).
First, create a folder on your disk to store the samples. In this example Im using c:\audio\samples but you may store the samples in a sub folder of energyXT or your documents folder.
After unzipping and saving the sample its time to tell energyXT where to locate the samples. Select Setup from the File menu and click the Browser tab. Next select "Samples" and click the Add button. After adding the location of your samples it will look something like this:
OK, the samples are now available in the main browser and can by dragged into the project. You can preview samples by click and hold with mouse or use the up/down arrow keys on your PC keyboard.
Samples can be dragged into the track panel for use with drum tracks. Drag and drop below last track to create a new drum track loaded with the sample. You can open the drum editor and drag samples in there as well to add or replace the current drums.
Samples may also be dragged into the the timeline. This will create a new audio track and works best for longer samples like vocal and guitar.
The synthesizer in energyXT supports playback of samples. In the Zone view you can build presets of one or more samples.